Eye Diseases in Turkey and Antalya

Due to its geographical location, Turkey is a country where eye diseases are seen frequently. In addition to the vertical sun rays and hot climate, the increase in the average age leads to an increase in Cataract and Retinal diseases in Turkey. The high number of cases is the reason for the development of eye surgery in Turkey. For similar reasons, the high youth population is the driving force for laser surgery in Turkey.

Antalya and surrounding areas are a region where eye diseases are common and laser eye surgery is frequently performed. Intense sunlight and ultraviolet (UV) rays are among the factors that trigger Cataract development in Antalya. Again, for the same reasons, retinal diseases are common in Antalya, and the incidence of Macular Degeneration (Yellow Spot Disease) is 5 times higher than the average in Turkey. Eye hemorrhages due to diabetes and glaucoma are also above average in Antalya.

The Mediterranean climate, hot weather and pollen cause an increase in allergies and eye inflammations in Antalya. These factors together with genetic predisposition increase the incidence of Keratoconus in Antalya, Burdur and Isparta.

As it is a tourism center, Antalya is the treatment center preferred by patients from all over the world for Excimer Laser. Modern laser applications such as No Touch, Femto Lasik, i-Lasik, SMILE, Lasik, Epilasik are successfully applied.